08:15 - 09:00
Convention Centre Lobby

09:00 - 09:15
Los Girasoles 2 & 3

Great Lives, Great Learners
Great schools clearly recognise the need to develop the character of young people as well as their academic abilities.
10:15 - 10:45

Unlocking Potential: Access, Participation and Progress through Inclusive Education
The definition of inclusivity has evolved in the 21st century to the point where we no longer simply focus on improving access but also on promoting participation and progress in education, and in other aspects of life.
11:45 - 12:15

Are we Ready for the World?
September 2023 saw the beginning of a new era in Cambridge with the formation of the International Education Group. Combining our expertise in learning and assessment we offer our schools around the world an innovative range of services - to better reflect this we introduced a new look and ...
13:15 - 14:30

Videoconference: Who’s Controlling our Students? Character Development in the Age of AI
The Digital Age has transformed childhood, providing connection, learning, and entertainment that few could access in days of old. But this new world comes at a significant cost.
15:15 - 15:45

Lessons and Activities to Develop Great Lives, Great Learners
This interactive session builds on the morning keynote by focussing on the virtue of ‘gratitude’. The Roman statesman Cicero said that gratitude is “not only the greatest of the virtues, but also the parent of all the others”. How can teachers build gratitude as a disposition in their students? ...
Supporting Neurodiversity in the Teaching Profession
Neurodiversity is about the different ways in which we all think, move, hear, see, understand, process information and communicate with each other. It is estimated that one in six people are neurodivergent, so there must be many teachers and school leaders who process information differently to what is considered ...
16:45 - 17:15

How do you promote the Cambridge Pathway and talk about our programmes to benefit your school’s success?
This session will explore how to promote the Cambridge Pathway to your stakeholders. It will include sharing ideas, best practice and the support that is available to Cambridge.
Fostering Wellbeing in Education: Supporting Teachers and Students
Shaping global citizens for the future demands good-quality teachers who can address students’ diverse needs and meet them where they are.
Elevating Character Development: Integrating AI to Amplify Parental Involvement in Schools
In this presentation, we will explore the transformative power of integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance parental involvement and foster character development in students.
18:10 - 18:30
Los Girasoles 2 & 3

18:30 - 18:45
Los Girasoles 2 & 3

19:00 - 21:00