15:45 - 16:45

Supporting Neurodiversity in the Teaching Profession

Neurodiversity is about the different ways in which we all think, move, hear, see, understand, process information and communicate with each other. It is estimated that one in six people are neurodivergent, so there must be many teachers and school leaders who process information differently to what is considered typical. Each and every one of us can meet barriers and challenges in our professional lives for a wide variety of reasons.

How can we welcome more neurodivergent teachers to our profession, and how can we make our schools more inclusive and supportive workplaces for all of us?

In this interactive workshop, we will share some ideas about how to enable those who aspire to be teachers and those who are already in the profession to feel more included and supported in their work.

We will explore together:

· What it is like to be a neurodivergent teacher

· How we can improve our education workplaces so that they recognise neurodiverse needs and differences

· The extent to which many of the actions that we take to welcome and support young people are also applicable to adults.

Quick Info

  • 7 September, 2024
  • 15:45 - 16:45
  • Los Girasoles 1
