09:15 - 10:15

Great Lives, Great Learners

Great schools clearly recognise the need to develop the character of young people as well as their academic abilities.  They aim to nurture wise students – not just clever ones – who will go on to live fulfilling lives that are good for them as well as others.  But what is a “good life” in the 21st Century?  What kinds of character traits or virtues do young people need to be good people as well as clever students?  How can busy teachers find ways of building qualities such as courage, patience, kindness, critical thinking and gratitude in their students?  And what qualities will children need in the coming Age of Artificial Intelligence? 

This keynote will explore how we might think of “the good life” or wellbeing, and consider what virtues (character traits) children need to be ethically wise as well as academically able.  We will look at practical examples of what young people might do both in and out of the classroom. 

Quick Info

  • 7 September, 2024
  • 09:15 - 10:15
  • Los Girasoles 2 & 3
