08:15 - 09:00
Convention Lobby Center

09:00 - 09:15
Los Girasoles 2 & 3

Ten Qualities of Inspirational Education
This keynote explores ten archetypal qualities that serve to make inspiring education and an inspiring educator. We all possess the potential for all of them, but often find that a chosen few have become dominant in our practice and in school curriculum. All ten need to be active and ...
10:15 - 10:45

Using Neuroscience to Optimize Creativity
Creativity is often listed as the top or second most desired trait in employees, colleagues and friends. Yet creativity is rarely explicitly taught in schools or universities and often actively discouraged by educators and employers. Can creativity be trained? If so, how? Drawing from cutting edge research, neuroscientist and ...
11:45 - 12:15

Individualized Realized as a Global Mindset
Envision an educational world where students are encouraged to be curious. The evolving role of educator includes being a coworker in learning. How do we shift to this mindset? What are key elements? What tools and strategies are needed, and how are they developed? Implications of individualized learning include ...
13:15 - 14:30

14:30 - 15:15
Los Girasoles 2 & 3

15:15 - 15:45

Workshop on Design Thinking
In this workshop, attendees will be presented with a problem. Then, Dr. Viskontas will walk them through the 5 stages of Design Thinking, as they work to develop a creative solution. This exercise will leave them with practical tips and tools that may be implemented in the classroom.
Workshop on 10 Qualities of Inspirational Education
The follow up workshop session allows time for plenty of questions from the group and an opportunity for each participant to individually map their own development journey around mastering the 10 archetypal qualities. High performance levels in all 10 will tend to result in outstanding communication skills and a ...
Unlocking Learning Variability (Workshop)
To support educators working to increase learning variability capacity, these emerging to practicing level workshops seek to bring learning variability out of theory and into classrooms for deeper learning. After deconstructing concepts, participants will work on proven strategies for implementation. Based in critical thinking, and using design thinking and ...
16:45 - 17:15

Let’s go back to the future!
“Back to the future” implies a play on words that perfectly suits the current reality of schools. Schools have come back. We have all come back to the institution (have we?), and we have all come back to the facilities (have we?). However, where and how is it that ...
Skills to teach diversity: wellbeing and awareness
Families, parents, children and schools face unprecedented challenges unknown to previous generations. Adults of any educational community need to acquire “new core skills” which require an up-grade not only of academic and teaching skills but specially of their “human and global competencies” on a regular basis. Globalization has brought ...
Workshop on 10 Qualities of Inspirational Education (repeat)
This keynote explores ten archetypal qualities that serve to make inspiring education and an inspiring educator. We all possess the potential for all of them, but often find that a chosen few have become dominant in our practice and in school curriculum. All ten need to be active and ...
18:15 - 18:45

18:45 - 19:20
Los Girasoles 2 & 3

19:30 - 20:30

20:30 - 22:00
Los Girasoles 2 & 3