12:25 - 12:55

Play to Learn – Designing for Uncertainty

To prepare next generations for an unpredictable future we should let them Play to Learn. Rosan Bosch will talk about playful learning landscapes, reimagining learning – using design as a transformative tool. Taking into account both the physical and mental health of learners as well as the latest research within her field, Bosch argues for surroundings that foster play, creativity, exploration, imagination and prioritising learner agency. Learning environments, whether physical or digital, indoors or outdoors, should at all times empower students to take responsibility for their own learning, and thus prepare them to successfully navigate an uncertain future. She will do so by introducing guidelines on how to create Playful Learning Landscapes supported by a selection of projects.

 ”Play to Learn – Designing for Uncertainty” is not only the title of her talk, but also the title of the third book by internationally renowned artist and designer Rosan Bosch. 

 “All humans are born curious, creative, and eager to learn. We should play to learn our entire life.”

This session has been previously recorded due to Rosan Bosch’s prior commitments.

Quick Info

  • 16 October, 2021
  • 12:25 - 12:55
  • Auditorium 1
