Judy Willis
Dr. Judy Willis, a board-certified neurologist combined her 15 years as a practicing neurologist with ten subsequent years as a classroom teacher to become a leading authority in the neuroscience of learning. With her unique background as both in neuroscience and education, she has written eight books and more than 200 articles about applying neuroscience research to classroom teaching strategies.
After graduating Phi Beta Kappa as the first woman graduate from Williams College, Willis attended UCLA School of Medicine where she was awarded her medical degree. She remained at UCLA and completed a medical residency and neurology residency, including chief residency. She practiced neurology for 15 years before returning to university to obtain her teaching credential and Masters of Education degree from the University of California, Santa Barbara. She then taught in elementary and middle school for 10 years.
Dr. Willis is on the adjunct faculty of the University of California Santa Barbara Graduate School of Education and travels nationally and internationally giving presentations, workshops, and consulting about learning and the brain. She has been interviewed by USA Today, Euronews, The Wall Street Journal, NBC News Education Nation, ABC Australia Radio, Lateline Australia, Popular Mechanics, Neurology Today, USA Today, Washington Post, Education Week, Medscope Neurology, Parenting Magazine among others, and writes staff expert blogs for NBC News Education Nation, Edutopia, Psychology Today, and The Guardian. In 2011 she was selected by Edutopia as a “Big Thinkers on Education.” She also consults for the World Bank about education design in developing countries, recently focused on Vietnam.
Website www.RADTeach.com