08:15 - 09:00
Convention Center - Lobby

09:00 - 09:15
Los Girasoles 2 & 3

Engagement by Design
Teachers and leaders are always searching for “what works.” We want to know what we can do to engage students and ensure that they learn more and better. In this session, we focus on a few things that have high impact, specifically student-teacher relationships, teacher clarity, and challenging tasks. ...
10:15 - 10:45

Designing for a Better World Starts at School
Design has a significant impact on our behaviour in learning spaces. The physical environment influences the emotional state of both students and teachers. For Bosch, design is a strategic tool to create differentiated learning environments that enable better ways of learning. It can support efficient implementation of new teaching ...
11:45 - 12:15

At What Cost? Defending Child Development in Fiercely Competitive Schools
Anxiety, disillusionment and depression emerge, sometimes with devastating outcomes, as conflicts between ever-increasing school expectations and students’ developmental capacities persist. Tellingly, many high achieving schools have been termed “epicenters of overachievement” where students “hear the overriding message that only the best will do in grades, test scores, sports, art, ...
13:15 - 14:30
Los Girasoles 1 & Los Álamos

The Power of a Learning Language
How can we help students understand the world they live in, and prepare them for independent, life-long learning? This session will explore how language is the foundation of life-long learning and will show how language and learning are inseparably entwined. Teachers can provide students with the capacity to be ...
15:30 - 16:00

Engaging Spaces: an Educational Proposal from Mexico
“Each and everyone of us can transform a learning space in a creative way using our own resources”. The Workshop®️ will share the story of how their methodology and school system developed an educational proposal that breaks with the educational paradigms in Mexico and how its learning spaces inspire ...
Inspiring Teaching and Learning in the twenty-first-century English Classroom
This session will focus on how teachers of English can motivate and engage their students, informed by evidence-based research into what works to improve both students’ learning and pedagogical best practices. Teachers will be invited to set aside assessment objectives and grading and offered the opportunity to look in ...
16:00 - 16:45
Los Alamos 3 & 4
Examples of Good Practice in ESSARP Schools
This session will consist of poster presentations carried out in Spanish and English by teachers from ESSARP schools. Participants will have the opportunity to walk around the room and listen to good practices directly through the voice of the very protagonists!
Would you actually use this?
An interactive session led by Lynda Bramwell from Cambridge International. What is Cambridge doing to involve teachers in their development processes? We’ll look at a few examples including the new GP programme for 5-14 year olds and some new digital tools. Warning: during the session you may find yourself ...
Visible Learning for Literacy
Educators have been in search of “what works” for decades. Our collective search for better ways to reach students and ensure that they develop knowledge and skills has resulted in thousands and thousands of books, hundreds of thousands of research articles, and countless websites. The truth is, not everything ...
At What Cost? Defending Adolescent Development in Fiercely Competitive Schools
Participants in this session will have the opportunity more deeply explore the issues raised in Dr. Gleason’s keynote address, and to fully engage the structured, interactive and animated interview that Dr. Gleason has used in his research in schools throughout the US and all around the world. With this ...
‘Hunt The Unicorn’ – The Search for the Effective School
School leadership often asks two critical questions: what do effective schools look like and how does our school compare against them? This session will address the first of these by highlighting the correlates or indicators of successful schools and then demonstrate a methodology by which schools can seek answers ...
17:50 - 18:10

Challenging Learning Through Questioning
This session will challenge how learning takes place and how we can all make learning more challenging through our use of effective questions. Martin’s belief is that an effective use of questions is the most powerful tool to improve learning in a classroom. Martin’s approach focuses on the ‘process’ ...
19:30 - 20:00

20:00 - 22:00
Los Girasoles 2 & 3

Designing the Pedagogy of Play
Play is an important learning parameter. With playful environments Rosan Bosch integrates play in the design of learning spaces to make it a natural part of learning processes. Play enhances the learning process by triggering several positive chain reactions – from investigation to transformation of information that ends up ...
10:00 - 10:30

Assessment-Capable Learners
We all know that collective efficacy is the new number one influence on students’ learning. And there is good reason for that. In part, efficacious teachers ensure that their students are assessment-capable, which means that students understand their current level of performance and compare that with the desired level ...
May I Have your Attention, Please?
Learning challenges and mental health problems frequently overlap. Consequently, students get treated for depression, anxiety, learning disabilities and even poor school fit, when too often, the true culprit is an undiagnosed attention control problem. This workshop will review these overlapping conditions and clarify how to make accurate diagnoses for ...
11:30 - 12:00

What Did We Learn Today?
Teaching is a calling, a vocation and a moral enterprise for teachers around the world. In the face of varying public perceptions Martin will talk about how teachers are more and more taking control of their own professional and public image. Martin will talk about how teaching is the ...
13:00 - 13:20
Los Girasoles 2 & 3
Closing Ceremony
Closing speech by Michael O’Sullivan, Chief Executive of Cambridge Assessment International Education. Farewell to keynote speakers.
13:20 - 14:30
Los Girasoles 2 & 3