Martin Renton
Martin Renton is the Director of Consultancy at Challenging Learning. He is also a highly sought-after keynote speaker, leader, facilitator and coach.
Martin’s excellent reputation is well earned. His core belief that professional development is not a ‘quick fix’ but a deep process of change has led to some very powerful effects in schools and colleges around the world. Teachers and leaders who have worked with Martin over an extended period of time refer to increased engagement, motivation and better progress for all students.
Martin’s knowledge of pedagogy and leadership is borne out of his experiences in schools and colleges as a teacher, leader, consultant and coach. Whilst he is Challenging Learning’s post-16 specialist, his early experiences as a nanny (2-9 year olds) then as a teacher and leader in middle schools (9-13 year olds), secondary schools (11-18 year olds) and colleges (16+) have given him a unique insight into how people learn from the age of 2–adulthood. Martin uses these insights to challenge, inspire and engage his audiences.
With a Masters Degree in Educational Research from Newcastle University, Martin also designs and leads evaluation processes. Martin is perhaps best known for his work with FE Colleges (vocational, adult and further education). He single-handedly set up the celebrated Think-FE approach that has been proven time and again to improve the thinking skills and achievements of young adults preparing for the world of work and/or return to education. Indeed, his work in Northern Ireland over the last 9 years was recently highlighted by the Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI) as a key factor in the development of outstanding strategic professional development in Northern Ireland:
“Martin Renton has increased the enthusiasm of staff to look at their classroom practices. They are more open about asking for help, have become more reflective in their practice and have ‘demanded’ more.” (Head of Quality Improvement, Northern Ireland)