Kristin Anderson
Kristin R. Anderson began her career as a high school English teacher for students who were kicked out of Denver Public Schools. Since then, she has worked in multiple K–12 settings in various instructional and administrative roles, and has obtained advanced degrees from Sterling College in Sterling, Kansas, The University of Denver, and The University of Colorado in Colorado Springs. She is a longtime student of the field, a passionate educator, and an inspirational leader.
Kristin has delivered professional development on various topics in teaching, learning, and leadership around the world. She has presented at the ASCD annual conference, in multiple school districts across the United States, and even in Zambia. Over the past three years she has studied the Visible Learning research under John Hattie and Debra Masters, and was recently recognized as the United States delegate/speaker at the first annual International Conference on Visible Learning in Brisbane, Australia.
She is the author of ‘Data Teams Success Stories Volume 1, Real Time Decisions’, and the co-author of ‘Getting Started with Rigorous Curriculum Design’ with Larry Ainsworth. Kristin has worked to build extraordinary professional development programs for Edison Schools and The Leadership and Learning Center. She currently serves as the Director of Professional Learning with Corwin, and moved from Castle Rock, Colorado to Thousand Oaks, California in June 2013. She lives with her husband of fifteen years, two children and puppy Rock “E” (for Elway).