Ann Burgess
Educational Leadership Expert
Ann Burgess has been a Head Teacher for almost 20 years. She has worked supporting schools in a variety of contexts: she has been a Local Authority advisor for Primary schools where her responsibilities included leadership training and induction of Head Teachers as well as an Ofsted inspector.
For eight years she worked as an Interim Head in schools in challenging circumstances; including failing schools or those with a crisis in leadership and has coached and mentored Head Teachers. “I am accustomed to seeking new and innovative solutions in situations where conventional methods of school improvement have routinely failed.”
She has worked for the British Council since 2002 as a Specialist Advisor in School Leadership and as a Senior Policy Advisor and now as a consultant; she has extensive international experience in most regions of the world; amongst the countries she has worked with are; Brazil, China, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Thailand, Malaysia, Argentina, Mexico, Jordan, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya and Tunisia.