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Conference 2017: Videos

James Nottingham “Learning to Love Challenge”
Kristin Anderson “Visible Learning: The Research”
“Unconference Tech Forum: The ESSARP Conference Comes Alive!”
Patrick Walsh “Communities of Learning: Radically Reshaping the Educational Landscape of New Zealand”
Javier Suarez-Alvarez “PISA 2015: Performance, Equity & Well-Being”
James Nottingham “The Learning Challenge: How to guide your students through The Learning Pit”

Learning with Mind & Heart

Learning is a distinctive feature of human kind and we begin to develop it at an early stage of our lives. Some surrounded by the love and protection of their families, others in less privileged environments.

It is when it comes to schooling that we are confronted with a new reality that involves learning about the world outside home and beside others.

In this scenario, how can teachers and heads make sure the time spent by children at their schools challenges their minds, fosters creativity and develops a compassionate heart?

This conference will be unpacking different aspects of learning to address the development of the mind and the heart.


Shortest way to explore what will happen

Simultaneous interpreting will be available at Los Girasoles 2 & 3 rooms.

09:15 - 10:15
Los Girasoles 2 & 3

The Future is not what it was

The Future is not what it was. Change is mandatory but growth is optional. The role of the school in preparing our students for a world that doesn’t exist.
10:45 - 11:45
Los Girasoles 2 & 3

Learning to Love Challenge

We often offer students choice and control over their learning in the belief that it will motivate them to achieve more, and yet the opposite is often true.
12:15 - 13:15
Los Girasoles 2 & 3

Visible Learning: The Research

The Visible Learning framework, constructed on the research of John Hattie, provides school-based teams with processes and tools to understand how their practices affect student learning.
13:15 - 14:30
14:30 - 15:30
Girasoles 2 y 3

Unconference Tech Forum: The ESSARP Conference comes alive!

One of the largely unexplored dimensions of the tech revolution is the possibility to process input from a large group of people and, in that way, crowdsource both knowledge and ideas to genuinely express what the group feels or knows about a particular topic.
16:00 - 16:45
Los Girasoles 1

Diving Deeper with Visible Learning

John Hattie has undertaken the world’s largest research based around the question—what works best for student achievement?  That body of ongoing research has revealed some key stands for teachers and leaders to understand: the Visible Learner, Know Thy Impact, Effective Feedback, the Inspired and Passionate Teacher, and the Visible ...
16:00 - 16:45
Los Alamos

Interlingual Teaching and Learning

Interlingual Teaching and Learning is the pedagogical approach which realises “human relations are at the heart of schooling”. In this session Eithne will share her experience from the world of International Education and invite participants to consider if there is a place for using children’s entire linguistic repertoire more ...
16:55 - 17:30
Los Girasoles 1

How to have a happy school

Happiness is an elusive quality but critical for success. Most schools are not like Google or Apple offices, we don’t have pools full of coloured balls in which to hold our weekly meetings. However, there are simple things that make people happier and thus much more effective in their ...
16:55 - 17:30
Los Girasoles 2 & 3

Storytelling for the Young-Adult Classroom

Storytelling opens a world of infinite possibilities which can engage and entice students’ interest. The stories told in TED Talks reflect global issues that permeate every aspect of our lives: personal experiences, ecology, science, etc.
16:55 - 17:30
Los Alamos

Sharing the CIS Knowledge Base: Innovations & Trends in International Education

Come and learn what CIS (Council of International Schools) is learning! Our work evaluating and supporting 700+ high quality, diverse school communities around the world exposes us to innovative programmes and leading evidence-driven practice. Learn what trends are emerging and how CIS schools are shaping the future of international ...
18:00 - 19:00
Los Girasoles 2 & 3

The Future is not what it was II

In a workshop format, Sir John Jones will unpack the concepts presented in his opening lecture.  
18:00 - 19:00
Los Alamos

Feedback 2.0

It is widely reported that feedback is one of the most significant factors influencing student achievement. Indeed, the average effect suggests somewhere between 50% and 83% improvement. However, there seems to be a disconnect between this research base and actual practice in that we’re all giving feedback to our ...
20:30 - 22:30
Los Girasoles 2 & 3

Dinner & Quiz Night

This year we will celebrate learning at the annual dinner in the ESSARP Conference! School based or ad-hoc teams (will the speakers dare to form a team?) will compete against each other in a fast-paced Quiz Night! 7 rounds of 10 questions each will determine the grand prize winner ...
09:00 - 10:00
Los Girasoles 2 & 3

PISA 2015: Performance, Equity and Well-Being

The OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) examines not just what students know in science, reading and mathematics, but what they can do with what they know. Results from PISA show educators and policy makers the quality and equity of learning outcomes achieved elsewhere, and allow them to ...
10:30 - 11:30
Los Girasoles 1

Visible Learning: Collective Teacher Efficacy

What if you could triple the speed of student learning?  Accordingly to new findings by Professor John Hattie, a strong sense of Collective Teacher Efficacy (d=1.57) can yield over three years of student growth over one school year.  Now ranked the most powerful influence on achievement in the Visible ...
10:30 - 11:30
Los Girasoles 2 & 3

The Learning Challenge: How to guide your students through The Learning Pit

The Learning Challenge has become one of the most powerful and popular heuristics of learning over the past 2 decades. Designed by James to help his students think about their thinking, the model shows a way to craft lessons to enable a move from surface-learning to deep understanding. So, ...
12:00 - 13:00
Los Girasoles 2 & 3

The Magic Weaving Business- Teaching in the 21st Century

Research suggests that 80% of the jobs primary school children will do have not been invented yet so we are preparing our young people for a world that doesn't exist. To thrive in this world we will all need creativity, ingenuity, portability & flexibility.

Simultaneous interpreting will be available at Los Girasoles 2 & 3 rooms.





Buy your ticket and register

Early Bird Closing July 15, 2017

  • Members / Affiliates $ ARS 3.600
  • Exams Schools $ ARS 3.960
  • International Affiliate Members $ USD 500
  • Non-affiliates $ ARS 4.360
  • International Delegates $ USD 600

Full Price Closing August 12, 2017

  • Members / Affiliates $ ARS 4.320
  • Exams Schools $ ARS 4.760
  • International Affiliate Members $ USD 580
  • Non-affiliates $ ARS 5.240
  • International Delegates $ USD 700


Travel & Hotels information

Should you wish to make a booking, please refer to Helen Kraft: helen.kraft@gmail.com